Degree-completion and Double Degree Question

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Degree-completion and Double Degree Question

Post by rcarolin »


We are trying to determine the best steps for outreach to possible partners for a degree-completion/double-degree opportunity for French students and Americans to either "transfer" credit to each other's institution or earn two degrees with the hope of mapping coursework for each other's requirements. Our challenge is the incorporation of General Education content (approximately 30 credits) in such a way as to not delay time to graduation. If anyone has a successful undergraduate level sample, I would greatly appreciate it.


Robert Carolin
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read o11meb

Post by MaryannTub »

Very well spoken genuinely! !
going here
look what i found visit the site
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try this website a31ker

Post by MaryannTub »

Truly quite a lot of beneficial material!
he said ... heom-hoepi
recommended reading this article

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